You must update your employer account if you have a new Federal Employer Identification Number (FEIN) due to a change of legal entity type (example: sole proprietor to corporation).
Select Confirm - if the owner/officer information is correct.
The Confirm change of legal entity page will display. Verify the information is correct, then click Submit.
Select Update - to modify the owner/officer information or to add owner/officers.
The Ownership information page will display. Select either Modify or Add.
Select Modify - to make changes to the owner/officer information displayed:
- Select the owner/officer you want to update then click Modify.
- Make changes then click Next.
- If the owner/officer information is correct, click Next.
- The Confirm change of legal entity page will display. Verify the information is correct, then click Submit.
Select Add - to add owner/officers:
- Select the Owner/Officer Type from the drop down menu, click Next.
- Enter owner/officer information, click Next.
- On the Ownership information page click Next.
- The Confirm change of legal entity page will display. Verify the information is correct, then click Submit.