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Report a change of legal entity type

You must update your employer account if you have a new Federal Employer Identification Number (FEIN) due to a change of legal entity type (example: sole proprietor to corporation).

To report a change of legal entity type:

  1. Log in to your account at
  2. On My Home Page, click Legal Business Changes.
  3. Select Report a Change of Legal Entity Type.
  4. Enter the legal entity information and click Next.
  5. The Owner/officer information page will display. Select either Confirm or Update.

Select Confirm - if the owner/officer information is correct.

The Confirm change of legal entity page will display. Verify the information is correct, then click Submit.

Select Update - to modify the owner/officer information or to add owner/officers.

The Ownership information page will display. Select either Modify or Add.

Select Modify - to make changes to the owner/officer information displayed:

  1. Select the owner/officer you want to update then click Modify.
  2. Make changes then click Next.
  3. If the owner/officer information is correct, click Next.
  4. The Confirm change of legal entity page will display. Verify the information is correct, then click Submit.

Select Add - to add owner/officers:

  1. Select the Owner/Officer Type from the drop down menu, click Next.
  2. Enter owner/officer information, click Next.
  3. On the Ownership information page click Next.
  4. The Confirm change of legal entity page will display. Verify the information is correct, then click Submit.
  1. The Change of legal entity confirmation will display.
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