Each time you request a benefit payment, you are asked if you worked during the week you are requesting. You must answer Yes if you worked at all, including:
If you worked, you must report your:
Keep a record of your hours worked (Sunday through Saturday) regardless of when you will be paid for those hours. If you worked for more than one employer in a week, combine your earnings and hours from all employers.
You must report your earnings for the week you perform the work, not when you are paid for it. For self-employment, report your weekly earnings after you deduct your direct business expenses for that week.
You are not eligible for benefits in any week you work 32 or more hours, or when your gross earnings for the week are equal to or greater than your weekly benefit amount.
A partial benefit payment will be made for any week you work less than 32 hours and your earnings are less than your weekly benefit amount. The system will deduct 50 percent of your earnings from your benefit payment. The amount not paid for that week stays in your account.
If the number of hours that you work varies from week to week, you should request benefits every week. Report the hours you worked and your gross earnings each week and the system will automatically determine whether you are due a payment and the amount.
Your earnings will be verified! Your earnings and hours will be verified with information reported by employers.
If you made a mistake when you reported your earnings, contact Customer Service immediately to make the correction.