Report work when requesting benefit payments
Each time you request a benefit payment, we ask if you worked during the week you are requesting.
You must always report:
- Total hours worked each week.
- Total gross earnings each week, before deductions and taxes.
Earnings include wages, tips, salary, commission, or cash; self-employment income; or the value of any rent, goods, or services you received for working.
You must report your earnings for the week you performed the work, not the week when you are paid. Keep a record of your hours worked (Sunday through Saturday) regardless of when you will be paid for those hours. If you worked for more than one employer in a week, combine your earnings and hours from all employers.
For self-employment, report your weekly earnings after you deduct your direct business expenses for that week. For more information about reporting self-employment, go to: Self-Employment).
What work am I required to report?
Any hourly wages
Any salary payments
Any tips / commissions
Earnings from a part-time or on-call job, even if you had that job before you became unemployed from your main job
Earnings from a temporary job or a job outside your usual occupation
Self-employment, working for cash, or volunteer work
Pay received from your last week at your old job
Pay received from your first week at your new job
A training or trial period at a new employer, paid or unpaid